Monday, July 23, 2007


Well the countdown is now over and VBS is ready to begin tonight @ 7:30 p.m. There was one last fundraiser yesterday after church selling banners as well as italian ices. Many people gave from their heart and we are so grateful that they did....

Sis. Dorianne and many of us from the VBS team were at Bethel last night transforming the rooms into a place far far away where we will meet Dakota Joe and begin our dig. After a quick bite of pizza and salad the VBS team went right to work!. Sis. Byfield had a wonderful team helping her as she drew beautiful backdrops for the craft room. Thanks to Bro. Ian, Johanna, Sara & Jenny we were able to laminate all of the photo name tags for the children and staff. I saw Sis. Maggie and Melissa up on ladders and carrying stuff out of the garage in preparations for a great suprise. After working three or four hours Caterina went on a Dunkin Donuts run and we all enjoyed donuts and juicy watermelon for a sugar rush which kept us working. Sis. Melissa was video taping all of the team working together. I think I even saw Bro. Alex video recording as well......they got a sneak peak at all of the teams efforts behind the scenes!!

When I left Bethel close to 2:00 am, we had the base Camp ready for Dakota Joe, Digger and all his friends! The Craft room looked ready to go and the Bible story Room looked awesome. I still cant tell you what Bro. Joe has up his sleeve but what I can tell you is this. Bro Joe was sawing, slicing, nailing and putting in screws, tacking, taping, stapling and painting. Words can not explain all he does for our children every year.

Brother Joe and his crew were still working early into the morning when I left. Brother Curt was there ( actually I think Bro. Curt was sleep walking, but they say it is dangerous to wake up sleep walkers...) with Sean working diligently. Vito, Jessica, Caterina, Gideon, jenny Wang all had more enery than I did. Gideon was rolling around on the floor in a tussel with some brown craft paper. From what I understand he needed to do that in an effort for brother Joe and the team. ( Don't tell him but it was so silly and we were all having a ball!) Brother Curt and his crew were getting all the cool sound effects and lighting effects just right.

I can't believe it but VBS is here. No more counting down, no more saying " only three more days, two more days, one more day. No none of that. It is here! Well actually it's 12:00 p.m. so that means only seven and a half hours to go. Hey I have a new countdown. It's only hours away people! See ya tonight.

Friday, July 20, 2007

We 're Almost Ready to Begin

Well there are only four days left until we swing into the commencement of VBS, and we can all feel the excitement building. Last night we began to take photographs of the children for their photo name tags as well as for their photo craft. Each and every shining face was sooooooooooooo precious.

Sister Nancy Hall told me straight from the registration table, that we received five new registrants last night; which brings our total over 30 registrants so far. We know that there will be plenty of others signing up on Sunday after service.

Now all the teams will get together Sunday after service, the “awesome” Crew Leaders, the “brilliant” Bible story teaching team, The “crafty” Craft team, the “splendid” Games Team, The “committed” Registration Team, The “fun” Photographers, the “vibrant” Video crew as well as those who are building scenery on the “splendid” Set Crew, as well as the "down right dilligent" Directors--- for pizza and salad. This amazing team will begin to transform our Superchurch room and C.E. classrooms into another world. ( Yes you almost got me and I almost let Bro. Joe’s secret out of the bag…whoa!) Just wait to see what he has got up his sleeve!

I can’t wait to show you the whole crew working diligently together. It’s coming soon…. So stay tuned.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

"Quest for Truth" Anticipating VBS 2007

Well everyone is buzzing about VBS 2007 “Quest for Truth….Jesus: The Way, The Truth, The Life”. Vacation Bible School or as it is usually referred to as “VBS”, starts next week on Monday, July 23rd at 7:30 pm and goes until 9:30 pm. VBS will continue at Bethel UPCI, 357 Jericho Turnpike, Old Westbury, NY throughout the week until the close of VBS on Friday, July 27th, 2007. VBS is for children ages 4 through 12 and registration is only $10 per child; which includes a photo name tag, all activities and crafts. Come join Dakota Joe and his pal, the faithful dog Digger as they discover the truth about who Jesus is on their quest to find the Keeper of the Truth Artifact! Kids will love their journey through the Holy Land as they collect Gospel Glyphs and discover important truths about Jesus! Children will receive holograms of various “glyphs” (yes... that’s short for hieroglyphics) to keep on a special keyring to remind them of each days dig.

For those of you who have never been to VBS let me explain to you how it works... (its really simple). Our children join small groups called Quest Groups with other kids and a group leader. Each day begins at our Truth Quest Base Camp Opening where kids will sing and pray, with Brother Alex & Sister Melissa Daszewski, Dakota Joe as well as his faithful dog Digger. This is the time when they find out about the day's challenge. Then several Quest Groups rotate together to three activity sites for 20-minute sessions. Kids find evidence to discover important truths about Jesus. Finally, they go to Truth Teller Rally Closing to dig into the evidence and find the artifact. VBS has lasting impact on children, families, churches, and communities; which is why we continue to do it every year.

Those who attended last year's Fiesta VBS 2006 know that we had “mucho” fun with Spike, Ray, Rosa and Cody “ole!” Everyone loved their Crew Leaders, The Amazing Bible Adventures, The Fun Crafts and The “Ole” Games. Here's Spike shaking his maracas while prasing the Lord!

This year once again Brother Curt Davis and Sister Dorianne Cattani and all of their faithful team have already started registration (thanx team!). Over 25 children ages 4-12 have registered. We are looking forward to a greater response this year than last year and we are expecting great things from God!

Many people have already sponsored VBS as we have seen flags with their names waving as they hang from the ceiling in the hallway of our classrooms.

During our VBS meeting last Saturday, July 14th, Bro. Joe Ferragamo made us a scale model of what he has in store for us this year on our Quest for Truth… (I would love to tell you all of the details but I can’t let the cat out of the bag.) Brother Joe has an enormous surprise in store for us all. You can know for sure that it will be outrageous as he always stays ‘round the clock' to make his creative mind come to fruition.

This past Sunday Sis. Dorianne had a wonderful fundraiser selling mouthwatering Italian ices as well as water which was so refreshing after altar call. The children who came out of Kids Church & SuperChurch were not the only ones standing on line to buy some. I saw Brother Vinny DiNome and Sister Jessica Maguire to name a few enjoying their ices. Sister Cathy DiGiovanni, Caterina DiGiovanni and Catherine DiGiovanni aka Baby Cathy (I know some of you still get all the Cathy's confused!!!!) all members of SuperChurch and Kids Church teams; who were also enjoying the delicious ices after church. What a great VBS fundraiser as we all eagerly anticipate an awesome week of full of fun and excitement!!!